Monday, April 25, 2011

A little over a month

In a little over a month I'll be traveling back to Haiti.... wow pretty crazy. It seems like just yesterday I was there and it was 2 years ago. I guess they are right when they say time flies. Tonight we had a conference call with Sarah from Beyond Borders who is setting up our trip and the others that will be joining us. Right now there are 5 of us with the potential of 2-3 more. We all shared our motivation for going to Haiti, our expectations of the trip, and our experience with Haiti before this trip. It was interesting to hear people you haven't met talk about their expectations 3 of which haven't been to Haiti at all. I found it intriguing that mostly people just want to experience something different and to let it transform them. It's going to be a very interesting trip.
I must say I could have been better prepared for this meeting but thankfully I did it with Anne and whenever you are with Anne you can't be lost. She is wonderful :) She also did 25 hours of silence yesterday so she was more than willing to do all the talking today! Good for me! This call reminded me that I need to keep preparing for my trip. Do more reading, more praying, more organizing and collecting. This is one of those instances where I definitely need to do more and more won't ever be too much. There is only so much time left now since it's a little more than one month!
Pray for strength, pray for renewal, pray for readiness and selflessness. Pray for the challenges and the triumphs but most of all the lives touched.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I was talking with one of my friends last night who I actually traveled to Haiti with the last time I went about how much is going to be different about the trip this time... I don't normally like different. Different is scary and unknown. Different has the potential to change and mold us. Different is well different. I can't expect things to be exactly like last trip frankly because they won't be. Even though I am going to the same place it will be like a whole new experience... I'll just know a little more about what to pack and what I'm going to be doing. Different doesn't have to be scary if I remember that God has me on this path for a reason. He's going to use me and mold me and whatever happens there is His will and it may be different than what I'm used to but isn't different really the point of this whole trip now that I think about it? To experience something different, to get out of my comfort zone, to be in solidarity with those who are so raw, fresh, and real. There are a lot of emotions I'm feeling lately... excited, scared, nervous, challenged but I know God is preparing me more and more everyday. I just keep praying that I do his will and hold nothing back. Haitian saying: "Men anpil chay pa lou" "Many hands make the load lighter" Thanks for all the prayers, comments, support and love all of you send me.